ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Legend (GIS-Viewer/Reference)

Park Symbol (343)
School Symbol (344)
Building Footprints (174)
Railroads (179)
Road Direction (392)
From-To From-To
To-From To-From
Road Centerlines (175)
Interstate Interstate
Other Freeways and Expressways Other Freeways and Expressways
Other Principal Arterial Other Principal Arterial
Major Arterial Major Arterial
Minor Arterial; Local; Minor Collector Minor Arterial; Local; Minor Collector
Alley Alley
<all other values> <all other values>
City Annexations (548)
1860 To 1910 1860 To 1910
> 1910 To 1950 > 1910 To 1950
> 1950 To 1960 > 1950 To 1960
> 1960 To 1970 > 1960 To 1970
> 1970 To 1980 > 1970 To 1980
> 1980 To 2020 > 1980 To 2020
City Owned Land (287)
Land Cover and Urban Tree Cover (137)
Tree Canopy Tree Canopy
Open Water Open Water
Pervious Landscape Pervious Landscape
Waterbody (180)
Slough Slough
Lake or Pond Lake or Pond
Lake or Pond-Intermittent Lake or Pond-Intermittent
Park Area (341)
School Area (342)
Waterlines (181)
PVUSD Boundary (345)
Pajaro Valley Unified School District Pajaro Valley Unified School District
PVWMA Boundary (346)
Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency
Pinto Lake Catchment (178)
Watersheds (183)
Watershed Sub Basins (184)