Park Symbol (343)
School Symbol (344)
Building Footprints (174)
Railroads (179)
Road Direction (392)
| From-To |
| To-From |
Road Centerlines (175)
| Interstate |
| Other Freeways and Expressways |
| Other Principal Arterial |
| Major Arterial |
| Minor Arterial; Local; Minor Collector |
| Alley |
| <all other values> |
City Annexations (548)
| 1860 To 1910 |
| > 1910 To 1950 |
| > 1950 To 1960 |
| > 1960 To 1970 |
| > 1970 To 1980 |
| > 1980 To 2020 |
City Owned Land (287)
Land Cover and Urban Tree Cover (137)
| Tree Canopy |
| Open Water |
| Pervious Landscape |
Waterbody (180)
| Slough |
| Lake or Pond |
| Lake or Pond-Intermittent |
Park Area (341)
School Area (342)
Waterlines (181)
PVUSD Boundary (345)
| Pajaro Valley Unified School District |
PVWMA Boundary (346)
| Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency |
Pinto Lake Catchment (178)
Watersheds (183)
Watershed Sub Basins (184)